Currently, there is snow on the ground, so this picture could be counted as misleading, but those leaves are real and from sometime earlier when I could still go outside without a sweater on without freezing to death!
Been an off-season for my blogging and such, maybe it's school, maybe it's my exams next week. Maybe it's my playing of flute recently. Seriously, as a flute-player, I often find myself lightheaded; bringing on less thought process and getting lazier and not comprehending simple things.
Perhaps it's having a boyfriend? Maybe it's that the girl I have been calling my sister who had been living in my house is going back to her original country, not sure. All I know is that I am tired for once.
It's a funny occurrence, actually. I had never been tired last year, but then again, I only got up around 9 am last year, this year is three hours earlier and staying up until the dead hours of night trying to get to sleep or listening to silly, teen (well, Shannon) music. Mom says I may have a low Iron level, but whatever.

Regardless, I'm tired as nothing else. I feel like a sloth.