After reading the first book, I fell in love with the series. Luckily, I got an advanced copy of Blood Feud which is going to be released into stores in August 2010.
There is a new character introduced in this text. Isabeau St. Croix, a girl who survived through the Terror in France to live with an uncle after her family had died. After that, she went through 200 years buried in a coffin as a vampire, until she was rescued, that is.
This book comes from the view of one of the many Drake brothers, Logan, and Isabeau. Through their views, you can see problems in the Drake family unfold along with a twist of romance between two different vampire kinds. Now with bits told here-and-there from Isabeaus' past and the present, more information is told and seen. Mysteries grow deeper, but the story winds up neatly at the end with a battle that even had me biting my lip.
I really enjoyed this book, and I think the action picked up at the perfect time. I, however, as not very fond of the cover art on the book. But, this book was a great read. I skipped out on watching a movie in class to polish it off.
I say anyone and everyone who thinks vampire novels are good for them should try this one out. The teen dialogue impressed me with how real it is. Pretty great book. Can't wait for the next!
Good comments. Am looking forward to reading this .